How to Reduce Allergen Levels in Your Seattle Home

Read time: 5 mins

Living in Seattle, with its frequent damp weather and dense forests, can mean that your home quickly becomes a hotspot for allergens.

If you're sneezing more while indoors or finding that your allergies are getting worse, your air ducts might be part of the problem. And while we can't control the pollen or the rain outside, we can do something about the allergens inside our homes. 

Breathing clean air indoors is crucial for our health, especially for those with allergies. Here's how you can help combat the allergen levels in your home: 

The Role of Air Ducts in Allergens

Air ducts are like the lungs of our homes. They pull in air and push it out. But, just as lungs can get clogged, so can air ducts. 

Pollen, pet dander, dust mites—all these allergens can easily enter our homes and stick around in the air ducts. 

If left unchecked, these dirty air ducts blow these allergens back into our living spaces, leading to poor indoor air quality. That’s where air duct cleaning comes in. 

What are the Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning?

There are many benefits to air duct cleaning, including:

  • Reducing allergen levels significantly
  • Preventing mold growth from moisture
  • Increasing the efficiency of your HVAC system
  • Extending the lifespan of your air ducts

Why Regular Cleaning Matters

Think of the many things you clean regularly in your home: floors, counters, windows. Your air ducts should be no different. The more frequent the cleaning, the less likely allergens will accumulate. 

With Seattle's varying seasonal allergens, keeping a consistent cleaning schedule is a proactive approach to maintaining a healthier home environment.

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Seasonal Allergies in Seattle

Seattle's seasonal allergens shift as the year progresses and are only getting worse as climate change lengthens the pollen season. In spring, tree pollen dominates, causing many people to start sniffling. By summer, grass pollen becomes the main culprit. Come fall, it's the weed pollens you'll want to watch out for. 

Choosing Professionals for the Job

While there are many DIY methods to tackle cleaning tasks, air ducts are a bit more complicated. For a thorough cleaning that reaches every nook and cranny, consider hiring professionals. 

Coit specializes in residential and commercial air duct cleaning in Seattle. With our expertise, you can ensure that your air ducts are not just superficially clean, but actually free from allergens.

Allergen-Proofing Your Seattle Home

Beyond cleaning, there are other ways to allergen-proof your home:

Invest in Quality Door Mats

Placing mats both outside and inside your main entrances can trap pollen and other allergens and prevent them from entering your living space.

Window Management

During high pollen seasons, try to keep your windows closed during peak hours (typically early morning and late evening). 

Shoe Policy

Consider having a no-shoe policy indoors or designate an area where everyone can leave their shoes. This minimizes the amount of pollen and other particles that get tracked into your home.

Stay Informed

Check local pollen forecasts and stay updated about high pollen days. This can help warn you on when you might need to take extra precautions.

More Tips to Combat Allergens

  • Use air purifiers to trap allergens from the air and give you an extra layer of protection.

  • Keep your home’s humidity in check with a dehumidifier to help reduce mold growth and dust mites.

  • Include air duct cleaning as part of your spring cleaning routine.

  • Vacuum regularly, using a vacuum with HEPA filters to help trap allergens.

  • Replace your HVAC system's filters regularly. They trap a lot of dust and debris, and once they're full, they can't do their job as well.

Remember, a clean home isn't just about aesthetics—it's about health. And with experts like Coit at your side, achieving that clean, allergen-free space is easier than ever.

Learn more about residential and commercial air duct cleaning in Seattle. 

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